this was the most involved project of advent, in fact it would have been too much except that it was hand AND FOOT painting so ella was totally on board.
you may copy and print out the note the advent goblins left us if you wish. the goblins are pleased to report that the entire note was of their own doing. :)
Angels are messengers sent from God, usually with good news. Angels appear in the Bible from the beginning to the end, at the most unlikely times, to the most unlikely people.
On your Jesse Tree you have symbols of times when angels appeared. Abraham, Jacob, Daniel, Zechariah, Mary, Joseph—all were visited by angels and each time, the first thing the angel said was, “Do not be afraid.”
This is the message that God has sent us over and over, from the book of Genesis to the book of Revelation, and continuing to this day. He came to earth as a tiny, helpless baby so that we wouldn't be afraid of Him anymore, but would go to Him with joy and gladness.
Read Luke 2:8-20
Have a grown up paint the bottom of your foot then stamp it on a piece of paper. Paint and stamp your foot two more times, with each stamp touching the one before. Let the paint dry then cut out the stamped design. This will become the gown for an angel.
Meanwhile, have your grown up paint both hands and stamp them onto a piece of paper. Hold your fingers together while you make the stamp. Let the paint dry then cut out the hand prints. These will become the wings for your angel.
Form a small circle at the end of a pipe cleaner. This will be your angel's halo. Cut off the excess pipe cleaner but leave a tail for attaching to the angel's body.
Cut out two circles from paper. Draw or paint a face on one circle. On the other circle, glue short pieces of yarn for hair. Glue the tail of pipe cleaner halo to the back of the face circle, then glue the circle with the hair to the other side—the pipe cleaner tail should be between the two circles.
When everything is dry, form a cone with the foot prints and tape or staple it closed. Insert the pipe cleaner tail into the top of the cone so that the face is to the front and staple it in place. Position the wings on the angel's back and staple them into place.
Decorate your angels if you wish with paint, glitter, sea coins, or any other embellishment you wish.
Hang your angel on your Jesse Tree as a reminder that God loves you and watches over you at all times.
here are a few pictures of how we made this ornament: