the day before christmas eve is the day that ella calls “christmas adam”—because adam came before eve. :) on christmas adam we have dinner then get in jammies, make a pot of hot cocoa, and drive around looking at christmas lights. since ella had been sick for a few days, she was not really up to doing a craft project, so this ornament did not get made. i feel ok about this. we still read the reflection and the bible verses, and if she feels like it we’ll do it this weekend.
you may copy and print out the note the advent goblins left us if you wish. the goblins wish to mention that the first two paragraphs are from the reform church of america’s page, jesse tree family devotions: advent 2010.
Often God does things that surprise us. God chose the small town of Bethlehem for the birthplace of Jesus. In Bible times, most rulers in important families were born in bigger cities, but Jesus was born into an ordinary family in a small village. God chose Bethlehem many years before Jesus was born. The prophet Micah wrote that Bethlehem would be the place where the Savior would be born.
Read Micah 5: 2-4 and Luke 2:1-7
On a brown piece of paper draw the outlines of a small town. Cut out the town and glue it to a piece of dark blue or black paper.
Next cut out small pieces of yellow paper for windows and glue them in place on the buildings in your town. Cut out one big star for the sky, glue it in place, and use chalk or paint to draw rays of light from the star to the place in the town where you think the manger should be.
Hang your ornament on your Jesse Tree to remind you that no matter where you are or how small you are, God can use you to do might things.
here are a few blurry pictures of lights we saw on our drive. i was so surprised to see many nativities with mary holding baby jesus, rather than him in the manger. i like that. one day i hope to see a big plastic light-up mary breastfeeding baby jesus. that would be awesome.