potentially you heard the squealing when ella found out that there was more hand painting involved today. :) seriously, i had no idea how much this type of craft meant to her. i’m so glad the advent goblins figured it out, because it has made her SO, SO happy.
you may copy and print out the note the goblins left us if you wish. the goblins wish to mention that the first three paragraphs of their note came from the reform church of america’s page, jesse tree family devotions: advent 2010. i have included the picture that was with the note for reference when doing the craft:
Elizabeth and Zechariah's son grew up to be John the Baptist. He was Jesus' cousin. God chose him to tell the people about Jesus.
John wanted people to know that Jesus is the Son of God, the savior that God had promised the people so many years ago. He wanted them to be ready to believe in Jesus. John wanted the people to remember God, and he baptized them in the river if they promised not to sin any more. The baptism reminded them that God forgave them for their sins.
John did not look like other people, and some people probably thought he was a little strange. But many other people listened to John, and they were ready to believe in Jesus.
Read Mark 1:1-8
For centuries John the Baptist has be symbolized with a shell. The three accompanying water drops represent the Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - into which Christians are baptized
Paint your pointer finger and stamp it on a piece of construction paper. Paint and stamp your finger again, placing the base of your finger touching the base of the first stamp you made, and with the tip fanning out just a little, on each side of the first finger stamp. Continue painting and stamping your finger until you have the shape of a shell. Paint and stamp your finger across the bottom of the shell to make a hinge.
Let the paint dry then put three drops of glue on your shell and cover them in glitter to make three sparkly drops of water.
Hang your ornament on your Jesse Tree to help you remember that God sends us His Holy Spirit to help us prepare our hearts to welcome His Son into our lives.
here are a few pictures of how we made this ornament: