french fries!!! she LOOOOOOOOOOOOVES them. while we were out running errands, i stopped at long john silvers, i pulled into the parking lot of the shopping center and ate in the car. she kept looking at me and licking her lips, so i gave her a french fry. she took one bite, then she got the confused look on her face she always gets when she tastes something new. but by the end of that bite, she was sure--she loved them and she wanted MORE. i think she ate probably what amounts to a 1/3 of a cup of french fries that day.
yogurt: she loves this too, and fights to get the spoon away from me. yogurt meals require three spoons, one for each of her hands and one for me. she drops one spoon and takes the one i'm holding (the one with the bite on it), and i take the dropped spoon for the next bite. she will eat almost 3 tablespoons of yogart in a sitting. she also found out that dogs love yogurt too, they will happily lick her hands clean when she is done.
she took two TINY bites of roast pork--and didn't care for it, she left the next bite on the tray in favor of some avocado.
putting in/taking out: anything that is in something must be taken out and put into something else, except the money in rudi's wallet, that she hands back to him.
taking off/putting on: same as above, but involves moving the remote controls from the coffe table to the floor and back again. i also found all the remote controls in her purse, along with her blocks, a rattle, and my house keys.
run away: i start by saying, "i'm going to get you!", then she starts crawling away as fast as she can, squealing the whole time, and when i catch her she squeals even more and laughs so hard my heart overflows.
i don't care what anybody says, she's talking, and it makes sense. when she sees rudi, she waves and says, "i baa", which i believe is "hi dad". she says "dah" whenever she sees a dog, whether in real life or on tv or in a book. and when we say, "i love you", she says "uh boo" back.
she waves at people on tv, and if the studio audience applauds, she does too.
scan of the week:
my discount card at the grocery store.